March 21, 2007

Local mother & daughter open new Avon store
People have loved Avon for years and now there's a new way to buy it

Stacy Barnes

Men and women around the globe know the Avon name. The company has been direct selling its popular products to homes since 1886, but just in the past few years, the well-known brand has begun selling its merchandise by other means, first at kiosks in malls and now in Avon stores.

The closest licensed Avon Beauty Center to Mustang is owned by locals Micki and Kimberly Nittler. Mother and daughter have teamed up to open the store in an effort to reach more customers than they did selling door to door. The Nittler family has lived in the area since 1983 and all of their children are Mustang High School graduates.

Micki has been an Avon representative for just over two years and has earned her way into the President’s Club and Honor Society both years.

“I just love Avon!” she said. “I’ve used Avon for years and they have the best products.”

Micki says she began selling Avon partly out of necessity because she had a hard time keeping an Avon lady that could provide her with the products she liked on a regular basis.

“I hear that a lot,” she said. “That’s another reason we thought the store would be a good idea.”

And so far, they have been right. The store officially opened in December and both Micki and Kimberly say they have been able to pick up new customers and still provide service to their existing customer base.

“It’s been good for most of my customers, they just come in and get whatever they need. People are just thrilled to death. They come in and say, ‘is this really an Avon store? Can we buy this stuff?’” Micki said. “We order all the time, so if we don’t have it or we are out, we can usually get it in right away.”

Micki said one of their best sellers has been deodorant.

“Truck drivers love the fact that we are right here next to Wal-Mart. They come over here and buy deodorant,” she said. “Our deodorant is just 99 cents all the time, so they just come in and load up on it.”

They honor catalog sales prices and also run daily specials that are posted in the window each morning. The 1500 square foot store boasts jewelry-filled shelves, as well as fragrances, skin care, cosmetics, flip flops, hand bags and more. Soon, the Nittlers said they will stock the youthful ‘mark.’ products and exclusive Avon collectibles.

Aside from the instant gratification of walking out of the store with your purchase instead of waiting a week for an order, is that you can try before you buy. Every sample and fragrance tester Avon makes is available at the store, which makes choosing the perfect scent or eye shadow a breeze.

The Avon Beauty Center is located at 1300 W. Vandament in the Yukon Shopping Center, just north of Wal-Mart. They are open Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information or to find out about the daily special, give the Nittlers call at 350-3115.


March 22, 2009 7:03 PM  

Have just read your article about the Avon Shop. I'm so pleased that Micki and Kimberley are doing well, something like that needs to be done here in Australia. We still have only door to door. Please let them know that Michael & Penny Spalek in Australia are so happy for them and will contact them in the not to distant future.

comment posted by Anonymous Anonymous
December 21, 2009 3:18 PM  

Hi Micki, Penny gave me a heads-up to the article. Congratulations to you and Kimberley on opening your own business. I would love to catch up by email, my address is I should like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. Much love and best wishes from Darryl Ross in Australia

comment posted by Blogger deejay

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