September 20, 2006

Good Timers beltin’ out tunes

Caleb Soptelean

The Good Timers Band is back.

The gospel and country and western band plays twice a week at the Mustang Senior Center. Their first performance after a summer break was Sept. 7.

Al Black and Bill Owen started the band by singing in each others’ houses seven years ago, said Black’s sister-in-law Nita Mayen.

Mayen moved to Mustang five years ago from Lawton to be with her sister Vera Black.

“She used to talk about ‘em and tell me about them playing,” Mayen said, noting she would often hear the band playing in the background while talking to her sister on the phone.

The first thing Mayen did when she moved to Mustang was go listen to the band.

The Good Timers Band plays on Monday nights from 6 to 9 p.m. and Thursday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Mustang Senior Center, which is located in the Mustang Town Center.

The band is all-volunteer and also plays in nursing homes and assisted living centers, including one night a month at Strawberry Fields Senior Citizens Apartments, 400 N. Trade Center Terrace.


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