November 10, 2009

Mustang youth organize to make skate park dream a reality

By Jon Watje
Staff Writer

In an effort to bring a skate park to Mustang, a group of skaters met at the Mustang Community Center to gather ideas and information on what it would take. Mustang resident Chris Parker organized the meeting on Thursday, Oct. 29. The group discussed fundraising options, possible locations and what people in Mustang can do to make it happen.

“The cost for a new skate park in Mustang would cost around $200,000,” Parker said. “The city said it might be able to flip half of the bill and they are doing their best to cover 50 percent of the costs, but we aren’t sure right now. Basically, we need to focus on raising $100,000.”

Mustang Parks and Recreation Director Justin Battles said he couldn’t say how much the city would be spending on their behalf right now.

“We are looking at securing funds so we don’t know how much we will pay for, but the city will definitely help with this financially,” Battles said. “We have a couple different designs for the skate park and we will forward those designs to our Leisure Services Board in January. I think it is great that they are getting the Skate Park Association back together and doing this.”

Parker said that he was in contact with several fundraising organizations and they city was looking into different grants.

“We are looking at two different locations for the skate park,” he said. “We are looking at Curtis Park by the First Baptist Church and we are also looking at maybe doing renovations to Meadows Park, which would include the planned skate park, restrooms, pavilion and lights.”

Those in attendance at the meeting were given flyers to hand out to homes near Meadows Park, informing homeowners that the park was a place of interest for the park.

Mustang resident and skater, Koby Jacob, said he hopes to see a skate park in Mustang soon.

“If I want to go to a skate park, I have to go to Yukon, Norman or Edmond,” Jacob said.

Parker said a skate park would provide a safe, centralized location for Mustang children.

“Some people say that skating can be dangerous and that there would be a liability factor involved,” he said. “However, it’s just like any contact sport. This would give kids around here something fun to do for free almost anytime of the day. Hopefully we will have the money we need this time next year.”

For those who are interested in helping with fundraising for the skate park or in other ways, log onto for more information on fundraising events.

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